Sunday, 15 July 2012

Magic Sofa

What is it about a sofa that gives a person the ability to sleep when they're not well?

Yesterday Olivia came down with a cold that came from nowhere! Full on snot fest, hacking cough and wheezing. This has obviously meant very little sleep for anyone, except Will who can sleep through anything except the smell of my tea being ready.

She has managed to sleep for about 40 minutes after each dose of calpol but as you can only give it every 4 hours that's not a lot. I thought we had calprofen to get more sleep but no, boo. (note to self - finish the ice cream to make it the medicine tub so I can keep check of what we have!)

Will had a feed at 6 and Olivia's moans turned into full on wails so I gave up and brought her downstairs for cuddles as she can't have calpol until 8. I popped her on the sofa so I could go and sort myself out and she passed out. She is still coughing but is sleeping. (I have so jinxed it by blogging this haven't I?)

I'm not sure what to do with myself now. I don't want to make any noise so no TV or cleaning (hahahahaha cleaning). I wish The Sims was still installed on the PC as not played it in ages! I might hunt for the disk later and get Tom to install it. Maybe I should go finish the ice cream...

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