Monday 27 April 2009

Logan Alan Parsons Kelly

I was so supposed to do a decent post but as I am having a really thick day I forgot. I will do a good update tomorrow but at least had to to a post to mark the day that Skip finally popped :)

Logan was born today weighing 9lb 15!!

Looking forward to lots of piccis!

Update tomorrow (or Wednesday!)

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Update on nothing much

I have been meaning to post on my blog each day for a while. I keep thinking of things that I want to say but when I turn my laptop on I check the usual websites and then I start reading my eBooks.

I posted today as I wanted to add a picture of the daily dose I got today. Each morning I get these funny emails and they do brighten up my mornings. A lot of them are about work which makes me smile even more. I like to print them off and leave them on random peoples desks to spread the joy. The past ones are heeeeere. You can sign up to the daily emails to add a nice touch to your weekday mornings.

I wanted to blog this one as it is about writing. I want to read a lot more before I write and as I have either posted here or said in my head I aim to submit before I am 30. I like the way I lose myself in a book the first time I read it and then re-read it with a different view.

I also said that I wanted to be a Domestic Goddess by the time I am 30 as well. That is two good goals. I might go and look for one of those 30 things to do before you’re 30 lists see what I can tick off.

For the life of me I can’t remember what I was going to post about. I might find out how to blog from my mobile so that I can keep track of my thoughts as I go along.

Well for now I shall leave it at that and go and figure out what to cook my lovely hubbly for tea when he gets home, see a domestic goddess in the making hehe

Tuesday 14 April 2009

The Children’s Tooth Fairy (Shillings Under the Pillow) Regulations 2009

Well I seem to spend a lot of time whinging about work lately so though I would say that I had a fun day today.

I started off in work actually going to concentrate until I got talked into going to town for a course and to spend the afternoon in the Liverpool office.

The course although at parts was quite interesting it was interesting for the wrong reasons. It was all about DNA testing, I thought I was going to learn about drugs testing and alcohol testing. It was a science lesson in reality and had feck all to do with family law apart from the last 2 minutes when he told us how fast they can get results if need be and tried to talk us all into using their company and not the one the is normally used.

There was a mild form of amusement by way of questions about contamination of samples by taking a mouth swab after naughtiness and about paternity on twins were there were two fertilised eggs and two dads as mum had been rather busy. It got us out the office and 2 CPD points at least :)

At least it got me into town were we just laughed so much about things that if I wrote here would not be funny. I think it is a case of you had to be there but our talks went from the cross contamination above, when Cadburys was founded. The best answer to that was well it had to be after Willy Wonka, hehe. It was so funny explaining that Willy Wonka wasn’t real.

There was also discussion of The Children’s Tooth fairy (Shilling Under the Pillow) Regulations 2009 and how the implementation of these regulations affected the Children Act 1989 giving special consideration to children in the care of the local authority. Although the regulations are rather genius to a legal geek someone had waaaaaaaay to much time on their hands. I might add it to this post of I can find them online. I love that they are signed off by Tinkerbell M.P :) and are only valid in England and Never Never land hehe

Due to the amusement of this afternoon I sadly got very little work done, whoops. I will get lots done tomorrow and even more on Thursday as I am on my own on Thursday as Jo is on holiday so think I will shut the door, but the phone on voicemail for a few hours and sit on the floor and go through my filing cabinet.

Ah bollards Chelsea have come back after half time like a new team and have scored two goals, grrr. Might turn over and watch All the small things, love this programme and I get to sing along.

Well tomorrow is half way through the week woohoo :)



Ahh due to the layout of the blog it was hard to read so I am linking someone else' blog with it. Clicky Click

Monday 13 April 2009

Plenty of reading.

Aah so the end of the long weekend is upon us, how sad :(

I think I mentioned a few posts ago that I had bought the new Kelly Clarkson CD. I have to say I really, really like it. I have spent so much time singing and dancing away to it. Normally when I grab my MP3 player I click random play but I realised today that I set it up to play “All I ever wanted”.

I have also done lots of reading this weekend.

After having been led to H-I-A-T I was reading Anne McAllister’s blog and saw a post with a rather captivating picture of Sebastian Savas. It is nice to have an image in my head already rather than just drawing one up so I bought Savas’ Defiant Mistress which I really enjoyed. Great characters, fab story and I fell in love with harm, the dog.

I also found The Wanton Bride by Mary Brendan. I had been looking for it as after reading A Practical Mistress as I needed to know the story of Emily and Mark. I did enjoy APM more but it was a good read. This is a historical romance, I am expanding my romance reading hehe

Another book that I was waiting to be released was Blind-Date baby by Fiona Harper. This is one of a three book collection called blind date brides. The first book was nine-to-five bride by Jennie Adams which I enjoyed. The collection is about three woman who join a dating website and become online friends who help each other through the road of dating.

I want to keep reading good books rather than reading crappy statements and stupid senseless letters in work. I really need to pick myself up in work and not let it get to me. I will love work I will love work haha at least the boss isn’t in this week.

I was supposed to consider doing some tidying today I forgot and it is too late now hehe I have done some ironing though so that is actually some effort being made. I really have spent the weekend just reading and eating chocolate hehe

Right I am going to leave it at the as I want to update a few links so I can just log on here and navigate the internet much easier.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Hugh in a towel

I have spent the weekend quite excited about reading and writing. It is so nice to have a passion about reading again. I was forever reading as a child, I would read EVERYTHING! I think at times I drove my mother mad by constantly jabbering away reading anything close to hand and if there weren’t any books the back of a cereal box would do hehe.

I was ahead of my reading age and would devour books. I was constantly being encouraged by a teacher Miss Fozzard to let my imagination run riot and get ideas on paper. I remember crying when she left school. Before she left to called my mum into a meeting about me and asked if she could take some of my work with her.

I was trying to remember when my reading stopped. It certainly slowed right down as teenage years began and it seemed much better to rebel against everything and go a little crazy than read. Though I do have to admit that I did have some good friends and at times sitting on chaffers running fields drinking Mad Dog 20/20 was the best place in the word. I also have to chuckle when the police turned up one dark night and gang of teenagers started running around the track pretending we were all well behaved and there for a purpose of running haha

Ooh I have digressed somewhat haven’t I? Excited about my reignited love of reading to mad dog 20 20!

As well as reading books I have started to follow a number of blogs by some authors like. I have also been enjoying the threads on the M&B forum. I am very grateful for the blogs and the forums as I have been pointed towards Hugh Jackman in a towel.

I was talking to Tom yesterday about going to see Wolverine as it is the kind of film he likes and I can perve over Hugh. This picture has made me smile and will ensure that we go the cinema to see it. It has also made me add Swordfish to our dvd rental list.

Anne McAllister and Kate Walker may get me in trouble as I think I shall have to put this picture somewhere in my office for me and Jo to get distracted by when clients, files and work in general gets too much.

There was something else I was supposed to blog about today but for the life of me I can not remember. Time for a little bit more chocolate and looking at pictures of Hugh :)

Friday 10 April 2009

Dancing, stripping and 9 years of romance :)

So time for a little update then.

Well I did it, the hair has gone!! Almost a foot of it gone and this week has been weird trying to get used to it but I am sure it’ll be all good soon.

Today is mine on Tom’s anniversary of being together for 9 years, that is reeeeeeally long :) We’re not doing anything because having two anniversaries is just greedy hehe We’ve spent the day buying nice things from the supermarket and stripping the bathroom.

We are so nearly there! It is taking sooo long as there are about 6 layers of paper and we have no idea what some of the paper is stuck on with. The steamer is fab though, and I got bored and had sore arms and started giving myself a mini facial with it. I think Tom saw that and realised he was tired and we gave up hehe

It’s been a good week this week. The weekend we went to the swan for a few drinkies for H’s birthday. It was nice to have a catch up with folks.

Monday went to a pub quiz with Nich, Jill and Jill’s friend Alex. It was fun and we came second which is good.

Last night we decided to go for Easter drinks. This was a good chance for us to go out and catch up with Gem and Renu. People were busy this weekend so we agreed to go for tea and have a couple of drinks in the restaurant and then go home.

The plan then evolved to eat and then grab a few cocktails and aim to be home for 9 – 9.30. When I got to work yesterday it had changed again to we’re going to get the last train home, this way we get to go and have a dance, yay dancing!

It’s funny how plans never work out that way as I stumbled through the door at 3.10, whoopsies!! It was such a fun night though all though my feet don’t quite agree with that. I couldn’t find my good work shoes yesterday morning, they need reheeling so I have put them somewhere to remind me to do it… well after running around like a loon I had to give up and put some new shiny shoes on that I hadn’t quite managed to break in yet so youch I have cut feet and the balls off my feet still hurt.

I hate hurting feet, I’m normally very good at breaking my shoes in so I can spend the night dancing away without things being too bad the morning after! I’ll have to get my thick bed socks out and wear the shoes more around the house.

Well I got quite excited this week as Mills & Boons now have a forum haha. It’ll be nice to chat to people who are hopeless romantics like myself and I’ve already got some great tips from published authors and there a specific section for people who are aspiring authors, it has given me a new spurt of encouragement for the book. It is a little odd talking with people thinking ooh I have a few of your books!

I have been thinking back to things that I loved when growing up in particular songs and films. I used to watch “Heathers” all the time and loved it so much, someone mentioned it this week so I have had to order it, I am rather giddy waiting for it to arrive. I hope it is as fun as I remembered. I was so in love with Christian Slater back then hehe

I’ve also got the urge to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer again. Part of me is rather tempted to buy the complete box set. I loved it to bits but kind of lost track of it when I no longer had the luxury of skyone. I have my sickness bonus coming to me in April as I think I have only been off sick for two half days so that should be good. I think I really might buy it! I love it for introducing me to the wonderful person that is Seth Green.

So this should be a nice relaxing weekend as four days off work, woooo. However I am working tomorrow, boooo. I have also agreed to make some cakes today. Hmm I should probably get a move on with that. I’m only doing crispie cakes with mini eggs on top so won’t take too long. Really wish I didn’t have to! At least I can eat all the left over cakes YAY haha.

The diet starts Tuesday!

o0o Skip have you have the baby yet?? Hehe. I’m betting Tuesday weight of 7lb 9. I’m rubbish at guessing games but it’s very exciting!!


Saturday 4 April 2009

Goodbye Hair?

Well I am going to the hairdressers today. I am thinking that a new doo will a great confidence boost and be a refreshing change. I spent so long growing my hair and now I want to chop it hehe, not too short mind as I don't want shorter hair than Thomas.

I am looking at getting somewhere between 6 - 9 inches chopped off, eeeek.

This is not an easy thing for me as I am a weird phobia of hairdressers due to the many many hack jobs I have had.

Vicki offered to chop 5 inches off yesterday so that I wouldn't chicken out, I wish she had done now as I have a fear that I will sit in the chair and the words "just a trim" will fall out of my mouth! I might write it down that I want a lot chopped and no matter what I say don't only give me a trim hehe

Well I guess I better go and get dressed and head into town to find something for H, what to buy I don't know. I am going to get stressed in town as I will need to rush about to get back for the stupid hair cut.

Is it just me or does the result show for Dancing with the Stars seem to draaaaaag? maybe its the adverts as well, long live BBC free of ads.

I might post pictures this afternoon :)

Thursday 2 April 2009


Cycle 6 booo period pains suck. Being a woman is crap at times.

Work is crap and I can't wait until next Tuesday when one boss goes on holiday and I can relaz mentally and actually concentrate on work hehe

So one day until the weekend time to relax then saturday head to the swan for some birthday drinkies for H. Ah feck just realised still not got a present!