Sunday 30 December 2012


So as 2012 draws to a close the internet is full of blogs and forum threads with people giving a round up of the year, as I am rather unoriginal I thought that I would join in :)

Sat here thinking about 2012 I am struggling to think of the year much.

Clearly the best part of the year was the birth of our gorgeous boy, Will, and seeing how wonderful my two little people are together. It has been hard but so worth it.

The year started with me being pregnant and hating it, I never get those people who *love* being pregnant. People often ask me when I'll have another but seriously NO, I can not do pregnancy again haha

Work was shite and someone I had stuck up for in the office turned out to be an utter, utter bitch but karma seems to have played its part there. Not really dreading going back either. (OK ask me if I am in 3 weeks!) Although I am kind of assuming that I am going back to my half arsed floater role but we shall see.

Then March and April were the next stages of Olivia's operations. She always does so well with her operations, I am very proud of her :) I hope Will follows in his sisters footprints on that point.

Then came the gorgeous boy. It was fabulous having our boy with us finally. The birth was quick and I can look back and smile at the labour, although at the time I was in complete shock and struggled a bit. The 7 months since the birth have been a whirlwind. It has been lovely but hard. People repeatedly told me that 2 is easier than 1. I never quite got the logic behind that comment and it isn't bloody true at the baby stage. Yes, maybe when he is old enough so play with O but fark me breastfeeding a baby and trying to entertain a toddler is hard work. Hopefully I'm doing an OK job at it!

This round up post is rubbish really. I have had so many up and down days lately that there isn't really much to post, I plan to remedy this in 2013! More focus on family and happier times. Even if it will be a manic life come February and I am in work full time *Sooooooooooooooooob*

So yes, 2012 operations, baby, struggles with ups and downs haha
2013 more operations but happier me