Saturday 2 July 2011

July already!

Well it has been a while since I have posted. Life has petty much got in the way so when it comes to sitting down I am too tired to think.

Tom has been sick for about a week and half. It started off as flu which then developed into sinusitis and a chest and ear infection. He is never sick so this has really knocked him for six. He hasn't even played his X Box so he must have been bad. It was his first trip from the the house today so we headed into town and bought a few bits for Liv for holiday.

I then came home and scrubbed and cleared the yard. Next door had some work done and the cheeky roofers left some of their stuff in our yard. Also plants I bought about 4 years ago died about 3 3/4 years ago and the weeds were taking over so they have all gone. It is a teeny tiny yard yet I managed to fill 3 garden sacks, amazing!

Liv is turning into a real little girl now. She is discovering what her legs are for. We have been walking around whilst she holds my hands, it is too cute. She doesn't keep her feet still though she is always on the go so she falls over after a couple of minutes but she will be toddling before I know it.

Not long now until our week away in Whitby with the Griffins and Parkers. I really really can't wait it is going to be so much fun and it will be a much needed break. i think I shall go and Google "things to do in Whitby" :)

Hopefully now Tom is back on his feet and can help with the baby wrangling I shall have the energy to blog some more.