Friday 1 February 2013

February is here - woe is me

I have a feeing February is going to be a bitch.

Life is about to smack me in the face as I am back to work next week, not that I am completely sure what I'm doing when I go back, it's all a bit of a stressy mess.

Mother Nature also decided to remind me that I am woman so my already frazzled emotions are going extra haywire.

Today was a fabulous day full of giggles and fun which I have loved to bits but at the same time has made me sad as life is going to be manic for a while.

I am trying hard to think of the positives:

1. The pennies so we can buy a house with a garden and a room for everyone.
2. I will be able to eat my breakfast and lunch without interruptions or a little sneaky smiler wanting to steal some.
3. Adult conversation!
4. Being able to sit down for more than 15 minutes.
5. Having a hot drink WHILST hot haha preferably during number 4.

So there is a few to keep me going.

So January is over so let's look at my resolutions.
1. Weightless FAIL
2. Ham in coke - done and it was yummy
3. 30 bags I got a third of the way through this so better than nothing.
4. Sort wardrobe - done this was fun trying on all my old clothes :)
5. Manicure DONE but managed to ruin it in about 15 minutes haha

I only have 1 resolution for February and that is it survive :)

Well time to get some sleeps as off to Panoramic tomorrow for afternoon tea, exciting :)