Sunday 29 May 2011

What a week!

I have quite frankly had a rubbish week, it could have been a million times worse of course but in my life of nothing ever ever happening I have been on self destruct mode!

It started off with work being it's usually shitty self, I really am struggling with getting up to go in there. I have asked to change my hours so I can finish at 4.30 and get to spend some extra time with my Oliviasarus, it has to go to the board so fingers crossed there is a meeting soon and they remember to discuss it.

Felt really quite sick on Monday but it was stupidly busy so I stuck with it. (Not sure why I bothered no one thinks any better of me for it!)

Tuesday was a long day at Alder Hey, although Liv was such a superstar, coping really well with the several hour delay and came out of recovery wide awake like they hadn't actually put her to sleep, which the did as I was holding her while they did it! (that still makes me want to cry).

All is going great with her eyes and she is doing better than they expected her to do so fingers crossed she keeps going this way and I shall be one very happy bunny!

Wednesday still feeling pants I got up to go to work, why? God knows. On the way I was plodding along to get the train and then suddenly I was doing some crazy lady jig trying my best not to fall on my face.

I really hurt my ankle but at the time I was just so embarrassed that I kept walking. there were a gang of kids stood at the corner who bizarrely didn't say anything and a fair few people behind me. as I tried my best not to limp (I failed badly at this) up to the station everyone behind me during my street dancing session started over taking me. I got on the train and felt waves of sickness. I wasn't sure whether this was the fact I wasn't well or the pain in my foot.

I got in and said that I was going to clear my desk and then be gone by 12.30. As the day went on and got worse my ankle of sorer and I didn't leave until 25 minutes after I should have gone home on a normal day! sometimes people take the piss and I am such a mug for taking it.

I think I have always been that person in work that people know will do things and at times take advantage of it. I tried to stick up for myself on Wednesday which lasted a whole fecking 10 minutes. As far as I see it I have two options 1) bring baby plans forward a couple of months and pray for an early catch or 2) look for a new job which may be impossible in itself and delay baby #2 GAH

Thankfully I knew I had some time off on Thursday as Liv had her last set of jabs and as the pain was still bad I went for a trip to the hospital at the top of the road, very handy! I have some ligament damage and some crutches. crutches are a pain in the ass and i feel rather embarrassed using them.

Liv had her jabs and was quite good until 10 minutes later and we got to the supermarket and she screamed the place down poor love so we got home and had cuddles on the floor :)

Friday I put her in nursery, had the day off work and it was supposed to be an easy day, blimey sitting down doing NOTHING is hard. The doing nothing changed after lunch though as my lunch exploded in the microwave so I had to clean that and then led to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and then aching haha

Yesterday and today weren't too bad. Minor injuries paper cuts, banged heads and cut lip, I think I need a bubble wrap suit!

Ah well tomorrow is our 3 year wedding anniversary (!) so that should be a good day. We have a sitter for the day as the volcano stopped erupting and the ash cloud buggered off so my mum got home so we are going to the flicks and for a meal.

Right that is a rather moany post, I must make en effort to get out of my grump and be more cheery :)

Thursday 19 May 2011


I miss listening to The Chris Moyles show in the mornings, the show really makes me laugh but they run late all the time and I find myself standing still listening to them instead of getting ready for work so now I have to put the news on instead.

Now that my iPod seems to be working again I have been downloading the podcast but my goodness I really shouldn't listen to it when I am going to work. When things are funny to me I can not control the laughing so on the way to work today an old man gave me a disgusted look and on the way home I made a girl next to me chuckle as I just couldn't contain myself.

I think everyone should listen to the podcast, it's awesome.

Going back to work in January wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, I guess it was nice to be around adults and playing daft games, it also came at the same time the hospital appointments for Liv settled down as well so it was nice.

There was a time a couple of weeks ago when I had a breakdown in work and struggled for the day but was OK for a while but right now it is so hard. I take Liv to nursery and she loves it and goes to the girls there and I spend a couple of minutes each morning looking at the photos on the wall and I feel sick and jealous that they get her all day.

The I am OK for a little bit as I meet Vicki on the train and we have a good natter like we've not seen each other for weeks not the day before but that is going to change soon. She has her final exams in a few weeks which she will pass as she is a genius and then in July she has a training contract and is being sent to another office so won't be back in Liverpool for about 2 years *sob*

The days are long and dull and I hate it and I miss Liv and I only have one picture of her on my desk and should get more but when I look at the one I have it makes me sad not happy.

Then I get in about 6 and she is tired from not sleeping that much in nursery because she is having too much fun, all the other kids sleep and she is catching on quite well, but she is normally in bed between 6.30 and 7 so the time we have isn't fun time, apart from the bath when she's not too tired :)

I can't afford to drop a day at work so I am trying to shuffle my hours around so I can finish at 4.30 instead of 5.15 so at least I get a good hour with her to play before all the bedtime stuff begins. Not sure what they will say bit loads of people work funny hours so I doubt they would say no

Having to work truly does suck :(

Wow didn't mean to go into a whinge about that, ah well obviously needed too! I was going to post something else about this but it has slipped my mind now.

Right time to go, Friday tomorrow, AWESOME!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Talk and front doors

So I got around to telling Tom I am broody as anything and to my amazement he didn't run a million miles away, in fact he said he was surprised that I hadn't mentioned it earlier heh

I want to wait a little while so that baby number 2 (squeee) isn't born around the same time as Liv. So now it is the waiting game before the waiting game and time to get those folic acid tabs in the cupboard and weetabix for breakfast :)

So it is all very exciting and we have a long to do list for the house which would be great to get done. One of them is a new front door, I know where to buy a door but who do you get to hand them and do the locks and so on? I am so confused, also I don't want to be spending loads of money either, I have another baby to pay for hehe

This really has perked me up, I can't wait though it is a little daunting the thought of all day sickness with a toddler and then a new born with a toddler. Ah well I guess that is what grandparents are for :)

Right time to get a drink :)

Friday 13 May 2011

Zumba, signs and Euromillions

So the exercise craze of the time seems to be Zumba, after hearing people rave about it and Vicki joining the gym and noticing they do it there we decided to don our gym gear and head on over to jump around like nutters.

It is actually really fun, we have favourite girls we like to stand by just to give us complete giggles. Plus laughing whilst dancing will burn extra calories. We've been a few times now so we kind of remember some of the dances. *wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle* our favourite only because some people do the strangest things with their bottoms, I decided to repeat this whilst Vicki was behind me just to make her go purple :)

If you want to exercise but think actual classes are dull, this is far from it, go and have fun!

So as I said in a post down there somewhere I am uber broody, well today I got an email from My Monthly Cycles, I've not even logged in there for two years so it obv must be a sign haha I am going to carry on ticking things off my to do list and make the house look less of a bombsite and raise it. I am thinking of opening a poll to see how far he runs when I mention it haha

Saying that though he may completely surprise me and agree, he did that when we got engaged and he wanted to get married fairly quick, I assumed it would be a long engagement but it wasn't. We waited a while before starting to plan as the sensible art in me wanted to get all of my exams out of the way as I knew I would be distracted.

Speaking of my marriage it is almost 3 years, THREE YEARS, where does the time go.

In that time we have had an awesome trip to NYC and have had a baby, and that gorgeous girl is 14 months, my goodness me!

Poor O is having a bit of teething pain at the moment, poor flower is growing 4 new teefs. At least she is getting them done in a job lot.

Well we sadly never won the lottery on Tuesday, but the good news is no one did so it is a rollover to some ridiculous amount tonight. No one will win tonight though as shops all ready have the posters for the Tuesday roll over up haha It was on watchdog yesterday and now the girls in work are disgusted at how the lottery if completely fixed. I bought my ticket anyway. Plus our 39 lines in work won us £260 so we bought another line and put the change in the charity pot.

I have managed to steer clear of daydreaming today, though it has been hella busy so not surprising really :)

Right, that'll do for now I think, time to go read or watch TV or tidy up... book it is :)

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day dreamin'

As the song goes "I wanna be a billionaire so freakin' bad". Well a millionaire would do. Actually a couple of hundred grand would do heh

Tonight is an £85 million pound jackpot on the euromillions and although the chances of winning are slim slim slim it is hard not to dream about what would happen if I won.

I am in a syndicate in work and in with my mum but I only get 10% of her winnings for the 20p towards the £2 fee I will get around to paying her if she wins haha

So lunch time, whilst eating my bargain bean on toast, was mostly spent dreaming. Then back to work as the work we do is depressing at times I just kept on dreaming. Winning the lot would be bloody scary but I could help everyone I like, so if you notice everyone is moving to nicer houses and you're not I obviously don't like you heh.

Sadly when I don;t get an email from the lottery folks in the morning and when I walk into work and the receptionist says no win I will be ever so slightly sad. It is so easy to let the imagination run away thinking of easier times that money can make. Also the extra time in sunshine!

In the real world I am in my usual spot on the sofa watching the telly. The Apprentice has just started so I am spending the next hour watching some people who think they are awesome and over the next few weeks I will watch most of them make complete divvy's of themselves before choosing someone I like.

I can;t help but get sucked into these types of programs, but I still think it is weird to hear Lord Sugar instead of Sir Alan.

Not sure there is much else to share, my life is fairly dull and I am rather bored atm so COME ON LOTTERY give me something to do! :)

Sunday 8 May 2011


I bought a picture frame in January 2010(!) I today I managed to hang it haha

There isn't actually photos in it yet but I chose the pictures I wanted, printed them on paper and cellotaped them in until I order the actual photos, I wonder if that will take me as long.

Olivia's teeth have finally popped through her gums after several weeks of grizzling. On the bottom row her first bigger teeth. She hasn't let us go near her mouth for ages but this afternoon we played a game of let Olivia put her fingers in my mouth she will open her's for me, the things we have to do.

It has been a lovely weekend but now it is Sunday night and those Sunday night blues are here again. I wish that I didn't have to work. Actually I may be bored not working but working part time would be better! Such is life though that we can't all be so lucky.

Right, time to track down an ottoman to buy! Thrilling life I lead.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Broody Stick!

I have been well and truly battered with the broody stick lately! I want O to have a sibling, I want number 2 to cuddle, I want our family complete!

There are always pros and cons to decisions like this and those things on my cons list not too long ago all have answers to them.

1. The house is too small for another.

Well I did want to move house before having another baby but we are tied into our mortgage until August 2012 and the news has given more doom and gloom fro the property market today.

But with the size of the house it doesn't matter. I mean look at Peppa and George as well as Charlie and Lola, they are siblings that have to share. OK maybe children's cartoons aren't the best support for an argument but still. My friend shared with her younger brother until she as 9 and even when they had their own rooms they still tended to go into each others rooms until she was 12 heh

2. The costs of another

Well surely this is always going to be an issue with anything, babies cost money. Heck EVERYTHING costs money. it is a never ending worry in this day and age and if we all worried about money no normal people would have children.

Olivia is growing into the next stage of equipment so we have to spend out anyone and new baby will have her things. The only main costs I can see our:

1) bed for Olivia - she will need this anyway!
2) New car seat fro Olivia - she will need this in a couple of months in any event.
3) Double buggy - easily bought around the corner, or even get the grandparents on the hunt for one in a good condition second hand one. They are all for recycled things :)

3. I won't have time to do anything.

Well come on I am NOT the only person to have 2 children. plus I am more than confident that the grandmas would love to come and help out in those early days.

Have number 2 must be easier to get going with, I mean with Olivia I didn't have a fracking clue but now I do. I understand how a latch works when BF, I know how to change a nappy, I'm not scared to bathe a baby. O know to just grit my teeth and chant "this too shall pass" when things get hard.

Also I know whenever I need a break I can buy cake and turn up on Skippy's doorstep on a Friday haha

So now I guess all I need to do is have a grown up chat with Thomas heh. I think I might clean the house from top to bottom and make it look lovely. I am sure asking him with toys everywhere a pile of clean clothes in the corner won't make him think "yay let's add to the mess!"

I may well change my mind in a week if O keeps having this reaction to milk and the vomiting continues. haha

But things are going great atm. O is doing great with her eyes. So much so that they are going to try and hold out on her eye ops. We have to go in for day cases every couple of months so they can check her eyes under anaesthetic and do ultrasound scans to measure her eyes. She was just so good today and i LOVE her so so much.

some people worry they might not love a second as much but I have so much love in me I want another person to share it with! (Seriously? I am such a twee twat tonight haha)

Right enough babbling to myself, time to go and watch Dexter and get some zzZZzz's.