Wednesday 25 July 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday: Fly Diet and Fried Eggs

Last week I said that I was going to dedicate Wednesdays to weight loss . Hopefully this will keep me focused and I will get rid of my jelly belly!

I'm not normally one for faddy diets but yesterday I did partake in the fly diet. There was a HUUUUUUGE fat fly in the kitchen and when I went in there to make lunch it kept buzzing at me so I would run away like the wimp that I am. This meant that I couldn't get to the fridge to prepare lunch. After a while I attempted to manup and went in flailing my arms about to scare it off haha

I have decided that as next Wednesday is 1st August that might be a good date to start.

This means I have a whole week to get my fill of cake and chocolate as I will have to cut down A LOT.

Today I am having a fried egg butty with loads of brown sauce and thick Warburton white toastie bread, delicious! I bought a packet of McVities caramel chocolate digestives which are just gorgeous. I also bought a multipack of crisps to make crisp butties with my warbbies loaf.

As well as having a week to have my fill of naughtiness I also have a week to get myself sorted. Healthy meal ideas, unwrap Jillian Michaels DVD (maybe that is a bit much to dive into it will be painful!) and dig out some gym type clothes. I must also find a sports bra with these post baby boobs or I will do some damage. I also have to move the pumpkin trick or treat tub that is in a cupboard as that is were I hide treats.

I'm not sure what my target is but I guess I will decide that next week, once I have stood on my shiny new scales. I will also measure myself as last time I went on a diet I got quite disheartened as I didn't feel like I was losing weight as the numbers on the scales just weren't dropping, but I did go down a dress size so I was doing well even if I didn't think I was doing well. The numbers were all I could think of so let's have more numbers to focus on.

Here's to a week of pigging out and possibly pizza at the weekend if the hubby agrees :)

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Sunshine and Steam Trains

There was a time when going to a party on a Saturday meant killer heels and cocktails but not anymore!

Saturday the heels were swapped for trainers and wellies. The cocktails exchanged for fizzy pop and partying until 3 or 4 was switched from am to pm :)

The gorgeous B turned 2 this week so everyone packed their bags and headed off to party in a field in sunny Shropshire.

There was cake a plenty and lots of exploring around the site as Nich's parents are currently building a house so it was a fun adventure :)

I lost Will for a while as he was passed around which was kind of nice as I got to play with Olivia :) thanks all !

When I was given my dude back we sat on a blanket outside enjoying the lovely weather.

I'm looking forward to next year!

The Sunday we went to Grandna's house to enjoy more sunshine.

I abandoned Will with Grandad and me, Liv,Grandma and Cam headed off to Victoria Park to play on the steam trains. It was fab, wish I had my camera! Liv loves trains so was in her element.

This week we are hospital/ doctor free so I am sorting out the todo list trying to get it down. I was rather productive today so fingers crossed for a repeat tomorrow :)

Friday 20 July 2012

Muddy Puddles

Friday!  Hooray!

I had ordered a wardrobe for the childerbeasts and it was being delivered today so fully expected to be stuck in the house all day but amazingly it arrived at 9.30 meaning that we had the full day to go out and play!

I quickly chucked Olivia in the bath and had an early lunch and off we went.  I only thought of going to the park for a bit but it turned into a mammoth trip out around Garston. 

We went to the playground and played for sooo long on everything there.  Olivia insisted that I got to play today as well and made me sit on the roundabout, I only lasted a few minutes as roundabouts make me feel really ill!  She also pushed me on the big swings which was lovely with the sun on my face, sitting down with a 2 year old pushing with all her might for a really gentle sway, bliss.

We then went to have a run around on the grass and splashing through all the muddy puddles.  I got some evil looks off a couple of mum’s who were sat on a bench as one of their daughters copied us and she screamed at her to stop.  Her daughter also had wellies on!  Where is the fun in putting wellies on your child, taking them to a park on a sunny day after weeks of rain and not letting them jump in puddles? come on!

We then went to sit on the bridge and waited for the trains to pass and both waved to them with lots of giggles from Olivia.  We then went to the shop and counted the buses and vans as we went.

I didn’t have my phone or watch so I had no idea how long we were playing. We got home nearly 3 hours later!  Olivia unsurprisingly has passed out on the chair.  I should have taken advantage of the sleep but expected Will to wake for a feed but the fresh air has obviously knocked him out as well.

It has been an awesome day today and we have a fab weekend ahead with Ben’s birthday tomorrow and then a trip to Grandma’s house and a visit to some mini trains hopefully.

I love maternity leave!! 

Thursday 19 July 2012

Udderly Exhausting

Will went for his first set of jabs today which wasn't has horrible as I thought it might be. He was a brave boy and I was a brave mummy. I cried when Olivia had hers!

He was also weighed. Everyone keeps telling me how big he is and he is a complete milk monster. He was following the 50th centile for a few weeks but has now dropped to 25th. How? Just how?!

The boy feeds every 2- 3 hours from about 4 am until 4pm then about every hour or so until 9 / 10 then a good stretch of sleep. So in the evening I feel like I just feed, how on earth did he drop down? Ah well no doubt he'll be up again and everywhere over the next few months.

I had forgotten how tiring feeding can be, even with the good stretches of sleep I get I still feel tired.

He is a happy chappy who has been giving us lots of smiles lately so it's all worth it :) (hopefully there is a picture!)

P.S. I was also told if I bottle fed I would be able to do every 4 hours, I smiled and walked away, wasn't that restrained of me? Leave me and my choice to breast feed alone grr

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

Last week I purchased a set of scales for 2 reasons. Firstly to see how much Will weighed as he is huge and secondly to scare myself onto losing the weight I put on in pregnancy.

I've been eating really badly since Will was born. Secret stashes of cake and eating entire bags of haribo on the bus home from town (ok only once but I did feel guilty!)

So yes scaring myself into getting motivated to lose weight, it kind of back fired. I got in the scales and I'm almost back to pre birth weight without trying so I celebrated with crisps haha

I initially said I was going to give myself until my 30th birthday before I start behaving myself. I felt great after giving birth so decided I would weight until after the 6 week check up and at 8 weeks I'm still waiting for this!

I have decided to at least prepare to lose weight. I am awesome at procrastinating ;)

I am currently looking for healthy and tasty recipes in place of cake.

I am also going to dust off the 30 day shred DVD by that Jillian person. I bought it in an attempt to lose weight to help with TTC but didn't get chance to try it as I was already pregnant!

At point I will be sorting my health out and post here in some hope of motivation. I'll do a weigh in and so on each Wednesday simply because weight loss Wednesday has a nice ring to it :)

So for now this is my notice if intention and I have to start this game on or before 12th September!

Right off to stuff my face before I'm not allowed xx

Sunday 15 July 2012

Magic Sofa

What is it about a sofa that gives a person the ability to sleep when they're not well?

Yesterday Olivia came down with a cold that came from nowhere! Full on snot fest, hacking cough and wheezing. This has obviously meant very little sleep for anyone, except Will who can sleep through anything except the smell of my tea being ready.

She has managed to sleep for about 40 minutes after each dose of calpol but as you can only give it every 4 hours that's not a lot. I thought we had calprofen to get more sleep but no, boo. (note to self - finish the ice cream to make it the medicine tub so I can keep check of what we have!)

Will had a feed at 6 and Olivia's moans turned into full on wails so I gave up and brought her downstairs for cuddles as she can't have calpol until 8. I popped her on the sofa so I could go and sort myself out and she passed out. She is still coughing but is sleeping. (I have so jinxed it by blogging this haven't I?)

I'm not sure what to do with myself now. I don't want to make any noise so no TV or cleaning (hahahahaha cleaning). I wish The Sims was still installed on the PC as not played it in ages! I might hunt for the disk later and get Tom to install it. Maybe I should go finish the ice cream...

Saturday 14 July 2012

Friday Thirteenth

Yesterday was Friday 13th and was the first day I had felt brave enough to go further than village or park with my 2.

Olivia has an obsession with trains at the moment so on Monday I took her on the train to see how I would manage with her and the new pram. We went all the way to hunts cross and back again. This trip is one stop to the end of the line, couple of minutes break and back one stop. Olivia loved it!

Yesterday we got the train to town. Fab trip there but lift was broken at the station so a few station staff helped (thanks Mersey Travel!). Was supposed to meet my mum at station but she was super late. We finally met and headed to the shops but after 20 minutes or so she felt sick and went home.

Crap, crap, crap! My first trip out, town is busy, I need to feed William but don't have books to entertain Olivia, then Olivia will need food but where am I going to go for small lunch that I haven't got to carry a tray? Oh oh oh panic! Friday 13th has got me!

But as the saying goes, keep calm and carry on! I headed off to Mothercare to feed Will and try to figure out what I'm doing. At that point I realised that Olivia was being a star. She sat so patiently whilst Will fed, she walked wonderfully without complaint and jumped on the board for a break, we played on the Thomas ride (without making it go hah) and had a treat of a lunch at Pizza Hut were she sat and ate wonderfully.

We then went to get the bus home were she had a 3 second melt down as she wanted to get the train but then sat on my knee and promptly passed out :) (it was at this point I felt extremely jealous as I was tired and I just had to watch my babies sleep!)

So in your face Friday 13th. I may not have been able to buy anything on my shopping list but I managed town on my own without a tantrum or losing a child woohoo :)

Tom took me into town today were I crossed 1 thing off my list but with it being a sunny (shock!) Saturday it was heaving we just had a stroll around and sandwiches on a bench :)

This post is pointless really but I guess when I decide to do it again this post will remind me I can do it.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Our Cataract Journey Part 2

So for the past 2 years we have spent a fair amount of time at Alder Hey with Olivia for her cataract treatment and the big ops are all done for her now and we will have a couple more visits and then probably a squint operation and then it all settles down. She has been fabulous through it all and it truly is amazing what medical advances can do.

As I write this blog I am sat on the bus with William, who is fast asleep and looking so relaxed. I am feeling sick at the thought of seeing the doctor. I'm not sure why I feel like this. I know the procedure we've been through it with Olivia and lived with it myself but today I am feeling like sticking my head in the sand and singing a merry tune.

Well I shall pause this for now as the bus is almost at the hospital.


Well the curse of N1 and my placid children hits again heh. He was great with Julie (so is Olivia) but when it came to the doctors cried a lot. It was odd as Will generally isn't a crier unless it's the evening on random days and when he needs a nappy change.

I have a feeling Olivia may have warned him what was to come!

Well because of the crying they couldn't get a decent look so they're going to put him under anaesthetic to have a decent look to see what is going on in his baby blues. That will be end of August or beginning of September.

So fingers crossed Will takes it all in his stride like Olivia did :)

Now for a 2 week break from Alder Hey before it's time to go back again :)

Wednesday 4 July 2012


The time is just zooming by and it will be Christmas before we know it :)

The house is slowly falling apart around us which is a pain in the arse (not to mention the pocket!) but it is giving me the kick I need to get this place sorted.

DIY is rather hard and setting time aside to do it is pants when I would rather be in the park but needs must. I am going to walk around the house making a list of everything that needs doing and start ticking them off (or hoping someone takes pity and helps us out)

Being a growed up does have some amazingly boring aspects to it.

My little childerbeasts are doing great. Olivia still loves her brother too much but Will is growing fast so it won't be long until he has some ability to protect himself :)

We're back to Alder Hey next week for Will, not liking the anxious feeling but I guess it is all part and parcel of being a parent. Fingers crossed the doc can get a better idea of what is going on and we can get some plans in place. I am sure I will feel better when I know what is going on.

This post was somewhat pointless but I do like to babble :)