Sunday 18 July 2010

Benjamin Christopher Mott

The lovely Nichola and Joe are now the proud parents of a scrummy little boy called Benjamin. He was born today at 12.45am weighing 9lb.

I have spent most of the day having little crying times. When I got the text at 2.30 I cried a bit, when i posted the BA I cried, when I texted some folks I cried, when I looked at the pics I cried and when I was reading the updates and messages to them from people I cried, it really is such a wonderful thing!

There is another member for team Logan, all we need now is to find out the flavour of beansprout to see which team will be kicking ass :)

I hope that all settle well and that visits can take place soon :)

Love you guys xx

Saturday 17 July 2010


Nich is currently in labour, how exciting, just waiting for news so I thought I would share my life plans with you blogworld.

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking about a good life plan, a sort of trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up type thing. Well I have come up with a lovely plan and a rather sensible one as well.

1. Go back to work 1st December 2010 as a secretary, who can be bothered with the stress of having clients? Maybe at some point but the thought of working late and then bringing work home so does not appeal to me so being a secretary will be perfect. Plus the 1st December means on my first day (or in the first week at least) I can decorate the office Christmassy so that will help!

2. Work full time (weep) to try and save some pennies to buy ourselves a bigger house. I keep looking at houses which is a little now but there are some nice ones just a few minutes up the road with off road parking and gardens, woooo.

3. When the fixed term runs out on the mortgage in two years buy said house mentioned above.

4. When moved into new home have baby number two.

5. When all babies are old enough to appreciate it go on holiday to Orlando with as many other people that want to come and hire a villa for cheap. (Note to self – Jade just bought one so ask her about mates rates!)

So that is my life plan, as I said above very sensible and achievable (hopefully).

If for some reason the above is not workable then I am going to live on the USS Enterprise with Captain Jean-Luc Picard! This has been a good discussion between myself a Skip.

Life on the Enterprise would be awesome on the basis that EVERYONE will know my name and I will not be going on away missions.

There will be no need to cook as there is a replicator, mmm food on demand. On days were we can’t be bothered slaving over a replicator we can pop down to ten forward and get some drinks and food from Guinan. How awesome would a birthday party in ten forward be?!

There isn’t any money so no need to worry about bills and so on.

Counsellor Troi is to be kicked off the ship, she is rubbish!

As we all have to do something to earn our place on the ship, no freeloaders! I am going to be Jean-Luc’s secretary. He is a very busy man and he doesn’t have a secretary, how on earth has he managed so long without me!

We’re going to help Data with his human skills and watch Spot when Data is on away missions.

There will also be endless amusements provided by the lovely Q!

There is to be a cross over from some of the characters from Voyager. The first is Chakotay. There is just something about that man that means he HAS to be there. We will also have the doc, seven and Neelix.

Life aboard the enterprise would be awesome and I think a very good back up plan should plan one not work :).

Oh we might also have to have the Count from Sesame Street there as well!

Friday 16 July 2010

Fingers crossed we're done!

Two nights on the run O has slept for 12 hours, fingers crossed that my sleeping baby is back after the growth spurt seems to have passed.

We had her last needles yesterday until she is one and she did great, had a cry for a minute as they must hurt but then was fine and dandy and they never bothered her last night and she has been good as gold today.

Been feeling a little blue today though that is probably due to to a stupid comment from someone about my parenting. it has really bloody got to me, I thought it was supposed to be funny at first but no it was meant. Well screw you I think I am a good mum, she is well loved and well fed and my HV called me "a lovely little mum" and your parenting choices can be called into questions so AaAaarRrRrgGggGGhHHhh feck off.

Gosh I am so hungry all the time I am sat here thinking about what to update on and all I can think of is go and eat toast with jam yum yum yums. I think I will go and do that it might perk me up.

Thursday 8 July 2010


Come on growth spurt, I was so used to my lovely long sleeper, pass already and give her back!


It wouldn't be so bad if I had slept when I went to bed.

Actually am I blaming the gs when actually it's the sand man...

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Baby baby part 2

No not me, far too soon to be thinking of being pregnant again!

The lovely Skippy and Al are having baby number 2 wahoo so exciting. Due January 2011, so awesome :)

Well I tried to add a scan pic but blogger is being an arse, ah well.

Congrats guys :)

16 week growth spurts

It sucks!

I'm kernackerrd with all the feeding and it has stolen O's ability to sleep for 10 - 12 hours. I know I have been a lucky so and so for that and now I am hoping that she gets that ability back in a few days *yawn*

Not much else is happening in my life, I have a to do list as long as both arms and possibly a leg but never seem to get anything done, one day maybe!

No sign of MM yet although they are causing all kinds of mischief already, I am so excited about the arrival :)

Goodness I am so hungry!

Right that is all my brain can manage, time to sit and watch the sky get brighter.