Monday 30 March 2009

I wish

I wish that I could go to work and tell some people exactly what I thought of them without there being any consequences! Today wasn't actually that bad I just saw my clients and got on with my work as the boss was out.

I have to do some bills tomorrow and work really hard and just keep my head down. It is the end of the financial year which is such a hellish time so I am going to treat myself on Friday if I manage not to crack!! o0o I wonder what that can be!

Also need to think of what to get H for her birthday. I have no clue and my head is just frazzled I am hoping that inspiration hits at some point between the bills, clients and crap hehe

This weekend is also the end of cycle 5 and for some reason I am really nervous about it though there is not rational explanation. I think it is just the stress I have at the moment it just one more thing rather than a week were I keep making pg symptoms up heh

I've just cried at the thought that Leanne the wabbit had died in Corrie but phew she is OK! ANTM time to zone out.

I am hoping normal cheery self will be resumed on Friday at 5.15!

Sunday 29 March 2009

Feeling a bit sick.

I'm actually feeling a bit sick at the moment. As me and Tom were going to Tesco there was a crash at the end of the road. A double decker bus went straight into the back of a car that was turning into our road. There were two kids in the back of the car and the little girl was crying her eyes out along with her mum who was driving.

There was glass and bits of the car everywhere. We went over the help and everyone was fine. Mum was in utter shock which upset the children more than the actual crash. Thankfully it was a big car or I dread to think what would have happened.

I helped Dad call an ambulance / police and then played with the little boy whilst Dad looked after his daughter and mum went to get her friend who she was visiting.

I was fine and we left when everything was under control, went to tesco, came back and made lunch as I've just sat down and been hit with a horrible sick sensation. The noise was horrendous followed by the screams and crying from mum and the children but I know that they are all OK so I'm being silly!

I hate that road when having to turn into our road because you can't actually see that there is a right turn until you are right up to it and cars and buses are always right behind cars in front.

I think I will go in search of something sweet to settle me down! If I fail I can just sit and look at the pictures in my last thread!

Saturday 28 March 2009

mmmmmmm Ewan and Johnny

Well this weekend has been a repeat of most weekends, catching up on my TV. Getting a little stuck on Gossip Girl, it’s bad hehe

Grey’s Anatomy is good this week, I was sobbing hehe The I watched Private Practice which didn’t have me sobbing but introduced me to a fab song Jackie Greene - I Don't Live In A Dream from the comments I’m not the only one that heard it and went searching for it :)

Right now I need to confess to watching Hannah Montana, WTF? I went searching for something to watch and failed badly and for some reason stopped on Disney haha Good grief I need to get a life!!!

I’ve been doing a little more prep on the book getting my characters back story so I had a play on goggle looking for pictures that could be the male main character. I used to have a major thing for Ewan McGregor I may have to have a look at pictures of him inspiration haha

Hmmm why did I ever go off Ewan? Surely there is enough room in my life for Johnny and Ewan? mmmm Johnny

I should also mention that clearly Thomas is the most important man in my life hehe

Argh I just laughed out loud at Hannah Montana – maybe I am more tired that I first thought.

Well this weekend the clock go forward – I hate this weekend each year were we lose an hour of our lives and have to wait six months to get it back! It means 60 minutes closer to work! I was considering going in at 10 on Monday and pretending that I forgot hehe

Well I’m not sure I have anuything of interest to say so I am just going to pretend it’s past midnight and go to bed. I should grab a DVD and not be watching HM haha

(I had fnished typing this post about 20 minutes ago abut got lost looking at pictures of Ewan and Johnny to add to the post hehe)

Thursday 26 March 2009

Happy Flowers

26.03.09 - Flowers
Originally uploaded by digitalskittles
Well I have been complaining that work is rather depressing lately. Nich you're so nice for just listening to me whinge hehe

Today I got a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from a lady I did a divorce for. It really did cheer up my day. I love it when someone appreciates the help!

Only one more day and then it is the weekend! Now do I clean and iron or waste it away again and read and watch more TV?

I say waste I don't mean waste I mean have a mental health break haha

I am sleepy so I am going to watch ER and then go to bed and catch some zzZZzz

Wednesday 25 March 2009

YaY The X Box returns!

Well Thomas is happy as his X Box came home today hooray. He was a right misery when he got home from work as he is fed up of going there and then spending his evening looking for something else. When we got in he had an email to say the x box had been delivered but we didn’t know the name and no note saying what house number.

We normally have one lovely neighbour who takes in all our crap but it wasn’t her so Tom sulked a little more and tried to find a number to call UPS. It turns out is was at number 6 haha. We only know Dad and sons name I can’t remember mum’s name. Tom calls her loud mouth and I call her psycho and they call me Jill hehe

As we found out it was next door they had just arrived home so Tom has set it up and actually managed to crack a smile.

I’m cooking the new whilst typing this and I am finding it hard to concentrate as the smell of garlic is just so yummy mmm the fact I can smell it means I should go and check it as it may well be cooked….

…mmm food…

All fed now and feeling good :) I love food, it is a wonderful thing. I wish I could eat whatever I wanted and be a size 10 and not have to pay for the food. Lots of fresh fruit for brekkie, tasty wraps for lunch and lots of splendid tastiness for tea followed by lots of CAKE and ice cream hehe

Now that was a bit of a tangent.

Don’t they say things come in threes? Three bad things 1, X obix broke, 2. lost wedding ring 3. Tom will have no job does that mean we are due to have three good things? We have had 2, 1. Wedding ring found (even though it was because of a murer attempt!) and 2 x box is back and all better. I only think that the third good thing is that we win the roll over tonight.

That would be super bliss! Go to work and hand in my notice, buy a nice house at Calderstones and then travel the planet, first class so Thomas has room for his legs! I have spent so much time lately wishing that we would win the lottery, it would be a very welcome means to an end, ah well fingers crossed for tonight!

Well I am watching Corrie, Tony is creepy, I wonder when his naughtiness will be discovered. It’s been going on for ages. I need closure on this now! Uuuurgh Ken is smooching it’s not good.

The Apprentice starts again tonight, I hope they have some good candidates this year. I rather than this programme but Sir Alan does scare me a little.

Ah well I don’t think I have anything else to say so I shall sign off :)

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Sperm, Holby and a yay to ma twinner

Well I got in from work today after sitting there working hard but achieving nothing I hate days like that!! When I got in I decided to watch The Great Sperm Race that was on Channel 4 last night.

Well I sat there and my gob was smacked. I have read about how hard it is to get pregnant and know that it takes time but good grief watching that programme it is a wonder anyone gets pregnant!! Sperm getting attacked, getting lost down random tunnels and climbing ladders into the sky! It was fascinating but rather daunting.

At the end I did notice that there is a game of the programme on the channel 4 wesbite, I might go and have a little play later hehe

I am rather sleepy but it is only early yet so I can’t go to sleep. I might have a nosey at what albums I can buy.

I bought Kelly Clarkson’s new album on Sunday and have spent a couple of days dancing around to it, I think it is fab. I’ll have to learn the lyrics though and then deafen poor Tom with my singing.

I am sure that there was something else I wanted to talk about today but for the life of me I can’t remember. Ah well time to waste the next couple of hours watching rubbish telly and watch Holby (not the same now Sam has gone boohoo) and then Coleen’s real Women, I do like Coleen and I love playing the “How many time will she say yous” game hehe

Oh yes I remember now! Just wanted to say a little YAY for Katie who will hopefully get herself a spangly new place to live now that the man has finally called hehe I shall pack a case for a weekend at yours then in the summer hehe

Now to Holby. Hmm I don’t think they actually have any drool worthy men in this now, why of why do I watch it??

Monday 23 March 2009

March Update

So time for an update, I did say on the 8th March I was going to blog later that day and never did.

Well that weekend was Skippy’s Baby Shower. After a couple of weeks of sorting between us it was a fun night, shame we didn’t get to play that bunny game (what was it Nich?) I was looking forward to shoving my face full of marshmallows hehe Games, nibbles, prezzies and CAKE mmm cake it was a lovely evening and was chilled.

Work is rubbish – it is all figures and bills and targets. I love my job but hate the fact I can’t just concentrate on doing the job and have to deal with all the stupid red tape! I would love to just quit at the moment but can’t afford too.

Tom has also been told he is being made redundant in June which is a blow. I am hoping that given his experience he will get a new job fairly easily, just need to keep an eye on the pennies. This also means no spending sprees in New York, boo hiss! I’m still going to Tiffany’s to buy something.

No news of baby front, I was a little nervous with the thought of job issues but what the hell there will always be a reason to possibly hold out. If parents on income support can do it we can, also there is no guarantee that this will be the month.

I’m getting a little excited about my book, I have my plot pretty much down now. I have written things in the past but very much in the narrative and dealing with conversation writing is strange. I find I am listening to more people talking to see what I can get for my book.

I’m also reading soooo much, it’s fab. I used to have a real passion for reading but it stopped for some reason. Adobe Reader is one of the best inventions ever I have a library of books without taking up space in the house.

I’m going to take my time writing this as I know that the chances of it going anywhere are slim to none but it is fun having a go. I am doing lots of research whilst writing and hopefully get a good enough manuscript by Christmas so I can submit it in January to a critique group. I am aiming to send it to a publisher by the time I am 30 hehe so plenty of time to fit my writing and re-writing before then.

Also lots of time for reading other peoples blogs, I am so fascinated by other peoples lives, maybe I should try getting one of my own hehe

Time to get a drink and avoid the temptation of eating the easter eggs we have for Tom’s family :)

o0o I really wanted to sign off, you know you love me xoxo – started watching Gossip Girl yesterday I think that I will lose next weekend to watching more episodes of it!

Sunday 8 March 2009


As the title says faaaaarrrrrrrk, I have really painful cramps and feel ick, booo.

Cycle 5 begins today, double boo.

Will do a proper update later or tomorrow, going to curl up on teh sofa eating left over cake watching Queet Eye for the Straight Guy.

Thursday 5 March 2009

PAD Scavanger Hunt

I want to try adn complete the PAD scavanger hunt this month so I am writing down my ideas so I'm not getting to 30th March and panicing!

1. Red - Phone Box at Town Hall
2. Orange - Bouncy ball
3. Yellow - Super Lamb banan
4. Green -
5. Blue - My right eye
6. Indigo
7. Violet - Parma Violets
8. Pink - My Shoes
9. Black - My Sketchers
10. White
11. Rainbow - Skittles (teste the rainbow)
12. Monochrome (shades of just one colour)
13. Selective colouring
14. B&W
15. Sepia

ANy ideas for the rest much appreciated. Plus how do I do the selective colouring thing ??