Monday 1 December 2008

Today is waste of space Monday and I am glad that it is over. I was sat at my desk today pondering biros. Where do all the pens go? I had four biros on my desk today and at various points of the day they all vanished. One went and I only put it down to reply to an email and like 10 secnonds later it wasn't there!!

My friend Sam had a baby on Saturday YAY. Lilly Grace, born three weeks early weighing 5 pounds 10 ounces. I am waiting patiently for the photo but she has gone off line booooo.

So the bathroom work starts tomorrow HOORAY! byebye horrible bathroom hello a week of dust and mess hehe I can;t wit to have a long hot bath and the new bath :)

Well that is all for now short and sweet as I need to get some sleep as I am shattered.

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