Friday 13 May 2011

Zumba, signs and Euromillions

So the exercise craze of the time seems to be Zumba, after hearing people rave about it and Vicki joining the gym and noticing they do it there we decided to don our gym gear and head on over to jump around like nutters.

It is actually really fun, we have favourite girls we like to stand by just to give us complete giggles. Plus laughing whilst dancing will burn extra calories. We've been a few times now so we kind of remember some of the dances. *wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle* our favourite only because some people do the strangest things with their bottoms, I decided to repeat this whilst Vicki was behind me just to make her go purple :)

If you want to exercise but think actual classes are dull, this is far from it, go and have fun!

So as I said in a post down there somewhere I am uber broody, well today I got an email from My Monthly Cycles, I've not even logged in there for two years so it obv must be a sign haha I am going to carry on ticking things off my to do list and make the house look less of a bombsite and raise it. I am thinking of opening a poll to see how far he runs when I mention it haha

Saying that though he may completely surprise me and agree, he did that when we got engaged and he wanted to get married fairly quick, I assumed it would be a long engagement but it wasn't. We waited a while before starting to plan as the sensible art in me wanted to get all of my exams out of the way as I knew I would be distracted.

Speaking of my marriage it is almost 3 years, THREE YEARS, where does the time go.

In that time we have had an awesome trip to NYC and have had a baby, and that gorgeous girl is 14 months, my goodness me!

Poor O is having a bit of teething pain at the moment, poor flower is growing 4 new teefs. At least she is getting them done in a job lot.

Well we sadly never won the lottery on Tuesday, but the good news is no one did so it is a rollover to some ridiculous amount tonight. No one will win tonight though as shops all ready have the posters for the Tuesday roll over up haha It was on watchdog yesterday and now the girls in work are disgusted at how the lottery if completely fixed. I bought my ticket anyway. Plus our 39 lines in work won us £260 so we bought another line and put the change in the charity pot.

I have managed to steer clear of daydreaming today, though it has been hella busy so not surprising really :)

Right, that'll do for now I think, time to go read or watch TV or tidy up... book it is :)

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