Sunday 29 May 2011

What a week!

I have quite frankly had a rubbish week, it could have been a million times worse of course but in my life of nothing ever ever happening I have been on self destruct mode!

It started off with work being it's usually shitty self, I really am struggling with getting up to go in there. I have asked to change my hours so I can finish at 4.30 and get to spend some extra time with my Oliviasarus, it has to go to the board so fingers crossed there is a meeting soon and they remember to discuss it.

Felt really quite sick on Monday but it was stupidly busy so I stuck with it. (Not sure why I bothered no one thinks any better of me for it!)

Tuesday was a long day at Alder Hey, although Liv was such a superstar, coping really well with the several hour delay and came out of recovery wide awake like they hadn't actually put her to sleep, which the did as I was holding her while they did it! (that still makes me want to cry).

All is going great with her eyes and she is doing better than they expected her to do so fingers crossed she keeps going this way and I shall be one very happy bunny!

Wednesday still feeling pants I got up to go to work, why? God knows. On the way I was plodding along to get the train and then suddenly I was doing some crazy lady jig trying my best not to fall on my face.

I really hurt my ankle but at the time I was just so embarrassed that I kept walking. there were a gang of kids stood at the corner who bizarrely didn't say anything and a fair few people behind me. as I tried my best not to limp (I failed badly at this) up to the station everyone behind me during my street dancing session started over taking me. I got on the train and felt waves of sickness. I wasn't sure whether this was the fact I wasn't well or the pain in my foot.

I got in and said that I was going to clear my desk and then be gone by 12.30. As the day went on and got worse my ankle of sorer and I didn't leave until 25 minutes after I should have gone home on a normal day! sometimes people take the piss and I am such a mug for taking it.

I think I have always been that person in work that people know will do things and at times take advantage of it. I tried to stick up for myself on Wednesday which lasted a whole fecking 10 minutes. As far as I see it I have two options 1) bring baby plans forward a couple of months and pray for an early catch or 2) look for a new job which may be impossible in itself and delay baby #2 GAH

Thankfully I knew I had some time off on Thursday as Liv had her last set of jabs and as the pain was still bad I went for a trip to the hospital at the top of the road, very handy! I have some ligament damage and some crutches. crutches are a pain in the ass and i feel rather embarrassed using them.

Liv had her jabs and was quite good until 10 minutes later and we got to the supermarket and she screamed the place down poor love so we got home and had cuddles on the floor :)

Friday I put her in nursery, had the day off work and it was supposed to be an easy day, blimey sitting down doing NOTHING is hard. The doing nothing changed after lunch though as my lunch exploded in the microwave so I had to clean that and then led to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and then aching haha

Yesterday and today weren't too bad. Minor injuries paper cuts, banged heads and cut lip, I think I need a bubble wrap suit!

Ah well tomorrow is our 3 year wedding anniversary (!) so that should be a good day. We have a sitter for the day as the volcano stopped erupting and the ash cloud buggered off so my mum got home so we are going to the flicks and for a meal.

Right that is a rather moany post, I must make en effort to get out of my grump and be more cheery :)

1 comment:

Skippy said...

Awwww BIIIIG HUGS. My Aunty died today so I've officially decided that's it. Work is work and I'm not doing any extra - it's tough titty and I'm not gonna feel bad. I think I need to send some of that 'tude to you lady as you sound like you need it.