Wednesday 4 May 2011

Broody Stick!

I have been well and truly battered with the broody stick lately! I want O to have a sibling, I want number 2 to cuddle, I want our family complete!

There are always pros and cons to decisions like this and those things on my cons list not too long ago all have answers to them.

1. The house is too small for another.

Well I did want to move house before having another baby but we are tied into our mortgage until August 2012 and the news has given more doom and gloom fro the property market today.

But with the size of the house it doesn't matter. I mean look at Peppa and George as well as Charlie and Lola, they are siblings that have to share. OK maybe children's cartoons aren't the best support for an argument but still. My friend shared with her younger brother until she as 9 and even when they had their own rooms they still tended to go into each others rooms until she was 12 heh

2. The costs of another

Well surely this is always going to be an issue with anything, babies cost money. Heck EVERYTHING costs money. it is a never ending worry in this day and age and if we all worried about money no normal people would have children.

Olivia is growing into the next stage of equipment so we have to spend out anyone and new baby will have her things. The only main costs I can see our:

1) bed for Olivia - she will need this anyway!
2) New car seat fro Olivia - she will need this in a couple of months in any event.
3) Double buggy - easily bought around the corner, or even get the grandparents on the hunt for one in a good condition second hand one. They are all for recycled things :)

3. I won't have time to do anything.

Well come on I am NOT the only person to have 2 children. plus I am more than confident that the grandmas would love to come and help out in those early days.

Have number 2 must be easier to get going with, I mean with Olivia I didn't have a fracking clue but now I do. I understand how a latch works when BF, I know how to change a nappy, I'm not scared to bathe a baby. O know to just grit my teeth and chant "this too shall pass" when things get hard.

Also I know whenever I need a break I can buy cake and turn up on Skippy's doorstep on a Friday haha

So now I guess all I need to do is have a grown up chat with Thomas heh. I think I might clean the house from top to bottom and make it look lovely. I am sure asking him with toys everywhere a pile of clean clothes in the corner won't make him think "yay let's add to the mess!"

I may well change my mind in a week if O keeps having this reaction to milk and the vomiting continues. haha

But things are going great atm. O is doing great with her eyes. So much so that they are going to try and hold out on her eye ops. We have to go in for day cases every couple of months so they can check her eyes under anaesthetic and do ultrasound scans to measure her eyes. She was just so good today and i LOVE her so so much.

some people worry they might not love a second as much but I have so much love in me I want another person to share it with! (Seriously? I am such a twee twat tonight haha)

Right enough babbling to myself, time to go and watch Dexter and get some zzZZzz's.

1 comment:

Skippy said...

hey there is always time to fit in painting, the park, running round, peekaboo, playdoh and making cakes.

Life doesn't need much more :D xx