Wednesday 29 August 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday–Kick me up the arse please

I clearly jinxed myself by saying I was cruising along on the weight loss because the 3rd week running I am 12 stone 4 1/2 lb.

This means one thing, I am going to have to put some effort into this which is rubbish!

I am a lazy sod who needs a kick up the bum.  I need to be fit and healthy for my family, this should be the only motivation I need but I am just crap at resisting a snack or two.  I keep saying I won't buy them but then I have the days when I feel sad my morning walk rakes me into the shop and I manage to spend £8 on unhealthy sugary nonsense just so I can come home and an e numbered pick me up.  I ultimately feel crap again an hour later with added guilt

Vicious circle of a snack fiend!

I think I need to put photos of my babies on the biscuit tin and fridge and some fat photos.  I did shift the trick or treat tub to stop hiding cake :)

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