Wednesday 8 August 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday – Eat Less Move More

Here we are another Wednesday.  I have made a conscious effort to eat better this week and I am going to carry this on.  I stood on the scales again today and was rewarded for my half arsed efforts. 

The full on dieting hasn’t hit yet as I still need to buy a sports bra, sadly my shopping partner is useless and shopping with a baby is hard work when it comes to changing rooms.  Without a good bra I fear I am a health and safety hazard.

As I said I got the scales out this morning and stepped on to find that I am 12 stone 6, which according to the NHS puts me in the obese category for my height,  12 stone will put me at the high end of over weight so that is the first goal.  Apparently I should be under 10 stone, 10 stone being the very top end of healthy weight.  I am not sure that I will ever get there but getting out of the obese range would be a nice boost. Linky to NHS chart 

Before I was pregnant I was on a weight loss kick then and the goal when I started that was to get under 13 stone so after having Will my starting point is much better than my previous goal.

A little bit after giving birth I also checked my weight and was 13 stone 11.  Will is now 11 weeks so it must have been 9 or 10 weeks ago I got weighed so even without much of an effort I am getting there.

I went on a lovely long walk today up to the retail park and around all the shops in the retail park in the fabulous sunshine so there was my move more.  Sadly my lame ass willpower meant I treated myself to a Strawberry Milkshake (surely strawberry makes it one of my five a day?)
I noticed on the cup it says sip and enjoy,  How ridiculous, you can not sip a milkshake, you have to guzzle it down and get an ice cream headache :)

I have also recorded Hairy Dieters as like them I love pies and comfort food and adding to much naughtiness so we shall see if that gives me any inspiration.

Well I am signing off as I have lots to do and not very much time left to do it.


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