Sunday 12 April 2009

Hugh in a towel

I have spent the weekend quite excited about reading and writing. It is so nice to have a passion about reading again. I was forever reading as a child, I would read EVERYTHING! I think at times I drove my mother mad by constantly jabbering away reading anything close to hand and if there weren’t any books the back of a cereal box would do hehe.

I was ahead of my reading age and would devour books. I was constantly being encouraged by a teacher Miss Fozzard to let my imagination run riot and get ideas on paper. I remember crying when she left school. Before she left to called my mum into a meeting about me and asked if she could take some of my work with her.

I was trying to remember when my reading stopped. It certainly slowed right down as teenage years began and it seemed much better to rebel against everything and go a little crazy than read. Though I do have to admit that I did have some good friends and at times sitting on chaffers running fields drinking Mad Dog 20/20 was the best place in the word. I also have to chuckle when the police turned up one dark night and gang of teenagers started running around the track pretending we were all well behaved and there for a purpose of running haha

Ooh I have digressed somewhat haven’t I? Excited about my reignited love of reading to mad dog 20 20!

As well as reading books I have started to follow a number of blogs by some authors like. I have also been enjoying the threads on the M&B forum. I am very grateful for the blogs and the forums as I have been pointed towards Hugh Jackman in a towel.

I was talking to Tom yesterday about going to see Wolverine as it is the kind of film he likes and I can perve over Hugh. This picture has made me smile and will ensure that we go the cinema to see it. It has also made me add Swordfish to our dvd rental list.

Anne McAllister and Kate Walker may get me in trouble as I think I shall have to put this picture somewhere in my office for me and Jo to get distracted by when clients, files and work in general gets too much.

There was something else I was supposed to blog about today but for the life of me I can not remember. Time for a little bit more chocolate and looking at pictures of Hugh :)

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