Monday 23 March 2009

March Update

So time for an update, I did say on the 8th March I was going to blog later that day and never did.

Well that weekend was Skippy’s Baby Shower. After a couple of weeks of sorting between us it was a fun night, shame we didn’t get to play that bunny game (what was it Nich?) I was looking forward to shoving my face full of marshmallows hehe Games, nibbles, prezzies and CAKE mmm cake it was a lovely evening and was chilled.

Work is rubbish – it is all figures and bills and targets. I love my job but hate the fact I can’t just concentrate on doing the job and have to deal with all the stupid red tape! I would love to just quit at the moment but can’t afford too.

Tom has also been told he is being made redundant in June which is a blow. I am hoping that given his experience he will get a new job fairly easily, just need to keep an eye on the pennies. This also means no spending sprees in New York, boo hiss! I’m still going to Tiffany’s to buy something.

No news of baby front, I was a little nervous with the thought of job issues but what the hell there will always be a reason to possibly hold out. If parents on income support can do it we can, also there is no guarantee that this will be the month.

I’m getting a little excited about my book, I have my plot pretty much down now. I have written things in the past but very much in the narrative and dealing with conversation writing is strange. I find I am listening to more people talking to see what I can get for my book.

I’m also reading soooo much, it’s fab. I used to have a real passion for reading but it stopped for some reason. Adobe Reader is one of the best inventions ever I have a library of books without taking up space in the house.

I’m going to take my time writing this as I know that the chances of it going anywhere are slim to none but it is fun having a go. I am doing lots of research whilst writing and hopefully get a good enough manuscript by Christmas so I can submit it in January to a critique group. I am aiming to send it to a publisher by the time I am 30 hehe so plenty of time to fit my writing and re-writing before then.

Also lots of time for reading other peoples blogs, I am so fascinated by other peoples lives, maybe I should try getting one of my own hehe

Time to get a drink and avoid the temptation of eating the easter eggs we have for Tom’s family :)

o0o I really wanted to sign off, you know you love me xoxo – started watching Gossip Girl yesterday I think that I will lose next weekend to watching more episodes of it!

1 comment:

Skippy said...

Don't you'll be hooked on the ridiculous eye candy that are the gossip boys! It's my guilty secret.

Keep going on the bambino front. I figured it's now or never. You can never plan for the cost of a kid so you're right to think que serra serra. You will find a way.. you never know you could call it brooklyn or Tiffany ;)

VERY excited about the book. I meant to say the other week that sounded so exciting! :D

My baby shower was THE BEST. I loved it :D You guys are totally awesome!