Thursday 8 September 2011

Things to do before I’m 30

Happy Birthday to meeeeee, today I am 29 years young! I have been absolutely spoilt rotten today and I am feeling very happy to have such fab people around me. Considering I was ignoring this birthday as it is a nothing birthday I have done amazingly well with presents!

As there is a mere 366 days (leap year remember) until I am 30 I making myself a little list of things to do.

It sounded fun when I thought of doing it but the mad crazy fun things that would be awesome to do, such as jumping out of a plane, are beyond my income means at present so I am going for a list that is a bit more doable (possibly read boring!) Editing myself whilst typing I have to say the first two on the list aren’t boring at all just somewhat out of my control.

So at the grand old age of 29 here is my list so far. I have a list of 10 things but if I think of something interesting and doable I may edit any time over the next year.

1. Get pregnant

So this one is obvious really!

2. Have a baby

If all goes well with #1 above

3. watch 50% of the top 250 films on IMDB

I copied the list as of today and I am going to post these above shortly so I can tick them off as I go.

4. Have a fish pedicure

I have wanted one since I saw them on This Morning last year so thought it would be a nice one that would be easy enough to do.

5. Try 30 different chocolate bars

This one is just an excuse to stuff my face! I always seem to ate the same few chocolate bars so this means I will have to try some new things

6. Try not to think about Polar Bears for an entire day

I was doing a search on the internet for inspiration and this was on someone else’s list and it made me laugh so it went on.

7. Have at least 5 dates with the hubby

I love going on dates and making time for just us is brilliant and if 1 and 2 are sorted then there will be less time for our dates.

8. Read 26 new books

I love love love my Kindle so this one will be easy, I don’t want any comments on my reading habits as I love chick lit and Mills & Boon, feel good quick reads, perfect and don’t give a feck what people think :) This one has also been made easier by teh fact that I go some amazon gift cards for my birthday so I get to download away soon :)

9. Learn to cook something tasty

I’m not a great cook so one day I am going to be brave and chose something and perfect it over the year.

10. Get at least 2 rooms in the house completed.

We have been in this house for years and things aren’t really done. The kitchen and our bedroom just need quick fixes, snag list type things.

So there is my list to keep me occupied for the next 12 months.

Now as I am skiving Zumba I think I might go and eat some cake from the girls in work, a girl is only 29 two or three times so it is deserved.

1 comment:

cloudy days and moonbeams said...

sounds like a brilliant list! Good luck with trying for the baby xx