Monday 12 September 2011

18 months on

Today my teeny weeny baby is 18 months old. It has been a fabulous 18 months, hard at times, but absolutely amazing.

Olivia is such a happy young lady and although I am sad to be working and missing her so much whilst in work it is lovely to hear how popular and happy she is at nursery, She has lots of friends and the girls at the nursery laugh about getting her autograph because she is going to be a star when she is older. At times the stories they tell me make me want to cry at what I miss but it making her come on leaps and bounds, maybe I should sneak a camera into nursery so i can watch her!

I am hoping beyond hope that someone I love wins the lottery tomorrow and buys me a house so I can go part time and have more time with her. Work / life balance sucks for so many people these days that I need little dreams to keep me going.

Well here is a little photo share.

This is my girlie at 3 hours old.

Here she is at the weekend when we went to MILs to celebrate her birthday and mine along with her cousins Cameron and Bethany. I think they are going to be a right bunch when they're older.


cloudy days and moonbeams said...

Ahh she's such a cutie!

Erinandi said...

Happy 18m birthday Olivia. It seems only yesterday she (and Isaac) was born. I secretly wish we could win the lottery too so I could stay at home with my babies.

Skippy said...

I wish we didn't have money, we'd all be able to be SAHM's then. She's a credit to you lovely and I know you feel you miss out, but at the same time you are giving her the confidence and love to enjoy adventures without you - and soon she'll be able to tell you all about them!
