Tuesday 12 June 2012

Eye Eye

So tomorrow is a trip to Alder Hey to have a nosey at Olivia's eyes after her operations.

I am a little concerned about her left eye but she seems to be doing so well so hoping it is all positive news.

I am also crossing my fingers that they look at William's eyes. Last time I was there with Liv the doctor said to bring new baby in and make sure the referral was done. I got the referral sorted and had a letter from the hospital to say they had received the info and would arrange an appointment but I really can't wait for an appointment to be sorted I need to know NOW!

With Olivia the doctor who did the newborn checks said she couldn't see the red reflex so straight away we knew something was wrong. We stayed on hospital to see a specialist who confirmed cataracts so waiting for a referral to Alder Hey wasn't horrible in a not knowing way.

This time with Will there is hope. The doc that did the newborn checks was totally over thinking things (in my completely untrained / looking for any sign of hope opinion )

With the red reflex he said that he could see it but it looked orangey. I wasn't sure what to make of this, although it had to be positive as he could see it! I then googled orange red reflex, as I was doing this I was nervous as the saying "google is your friend" doesn't always apply when looking at problems like this, but it seems positive as although called a red reflex it can be orange.

He did say he couldn't see the retina or the disc and I have no idea what that means but he wasn't an eye specialist so this is where the over thinking comes into it. I did google this but couldn't make head nor tail of it in relation to the family history.

The doc did finish by saying if it was a standard newborn check he would have sent us home saying everything was OK. He then added a disclaimer of sorts by saying that we shouldn't take anything from that and that we should see the specialist. He did want his boss to check Will over but they said no so I am assuming that because he could see the red reflex there was no point in looking again.

So I have spent 3 1/2 weeks just hoping and hoping and trying to stay positive. I keep looking at him wondering if he is seeing things but that doesn't mean a great deal as Olivia would look around and she had cataracts!

There are children who go through much harder things than this and their parents have so much to cope with but I really don't want to go through the same operations and weekly trips to Alder Hey with Will.

I want to take the children swimming! We missed out with Liv because of the ops and drops and then when we could go swimming I was back in work full time and we just never seemed to have time before more drops then ops. Without drops we can go splash in the pool!

So firstly I hope my lovely Olivia gets a woo things are going well kind of appointment and secondly pleeeease look at Will and let things be good.

I feel there may be a restless night ahead (and probably cramp from all the finger crossing!)

Please be a good day tomorrow x

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