Sunday 22 February 2009

Sunday night and I'm not feeling down!

Only because I have tomorrow off :)

I have spent the weekend baking cookies, reading books and watching Private Practice. I would be doing the latter right now except the site is down! I am most disappointed, I need to see how Cooper is hehe

Sitting and relaxing has done wonders for me and tomorrow is going to be wonderful. More PP and more reading. Thought I should possibly do a spot of ironing. I think I may fail at the ironing and just keep reading.

If I ever want to write that book I need to read a million before hand :)

I'm not sure I have mentioned my book on here before. granted only two people read this blog and Nich already knows haha i am going to write a romance. It always makes me laugh to say that but what can I say I am going to throw my hands up and say I love them.

It's a guilty pleasure I get downloading them to Adobe Reader (one the best inventions ever!) and just sitting and reading books.

In the run up to World Book Day there is a section on Guilty Reading Secrets and I voted fro Mills & Boons hehe The fact that there is a chance to win £100 book tokens is a bonus! Clicky here to have a go.

I did get some fresh air this weekend. There was the shop around Tesco which was quick and as such I ended up buying rubbish food, whoops.

I also popped out and got an upgrade on my phone yay. After two months of trying to pick a phone, i got it down to the Samsung Tocco and the Sony Erikson Csomething or other. I ended up with a Samsung Pixon. its really funky, I love it!

There ar some funky gadgets, I love the fact that if you are listening to the radio adn you don't know what the song is or any music on your phone in fact the phone listens to a bit and then searches for the song. i tried it today and it got the band, song title and album. i am so very easily impressed hehe

The camera is fab as well. 8 megapixel and I should find it easy enough to use as it is pretty much like the camera Tom bought being a samsung.

This means I have no excuses now when it comes to PAD. I love looking at other peoples photos. I LOVE this one by Safari Photogirl from the Hitched PAD group. I love looking at her shots. I also love tigers so this shot had to be a winner.

If only I could figure out how to get my emails to download to the damn thing it would be perfect, maybe I might have to read the manual (shudder)

Well this will do for now. An hour before I head upstairs and watch a DVD so i think I will start another book :)

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