Monday 23 February 2009


So today I have had a wonderful slobby day to go with the rest of my weekend!!

I feel kind of bad as I was supposed to at least do some ironing but no I have sat and watched ten tonnes more Private Practice, I have watched 15 episodes haha. There are only 17 on the website! i am naughty and feel great for it.

I have also been playing with the new phone and the camera is going to be great and I should maybe have gone for a walk and played with it. I did leave the house at about 2.30 but only because I realised there wasn't any lunch type food.

So there about two hours until Thomas is due home and maybe I should use the last part of the day to do some of the things I was supposed to, or maybe I could just put my music on full blast and dance around the front room. I like the latter and the fact that larger than Life is playing by Backstreet Boys means I will probably just dance.

Aah everyone should have time to just sit and forget the world is actually going on around them, it was been wonderful for the soul.

Back to work tomorrow which is pants but at least when I get home I know I can have Pancakes om nom nom :)

also to add a note that Beth is pregnant, sooo happy for her. There really is something in the water lately with the number of pregnancies! A little bro or sis for gorgeous Blake will be fab.

Right time to daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaance :)

Now playing: Vic Reeves - Dizzy
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Skippy said...

sit down? now there's a concept! ;) xx