On Thursday 11th March 2010 (40+6) I woke up around 5.30am feeling quite uncomfortable but thought nothing of it as I had been having Braxton Hicks and I had done a little bit of running again the day before. I tried to ignore it even though the pains were clearly different from how I had been feeling the previous few times.
Tom’s alarm went off at 6am and I was wondering around the bedroom whilst he was getting ready and in the back of my mind I was thinking I should ask him to stay off work but never said anything to him other than that I felt a bit twingy. I really thought it would settle soon and I would be back in bed by 7am and then spend the morning watching Phil and Holly.
He set off for work so cue the pains getting stronger and it dawning on me that I might actually be in labour. I decided not to call him as they could settle down and I could be there for a long time. At 7.20am I decided that the TENS machine might be needed and I started timing them.
8.10 I decided that I needed Tom with me so called him, he was in a meeting at the time so all attention wason him and they quickly packed him off home back down the motorway.
Thursday was very long with contractions coming every 4 minutes. I had a MW appointment that lunch time for a sweep, obviously no longer needed but we strolled down to the doctors just so that I could talk to someone about what was happening. She confirmed that all was well and that there should be a baby that day.
I rang the hospital to put them on notice and spent the afternoon walking up and down the living room and leaning on the walls during contractions waiting for them it get to 3 in 10 minutes. However at 5.30pm they slowed to 1 every 10 minutes, booo. I was feeling tired at this stage so decided to go and have a lie down which was very uncomfortable but it meant I was getting a few minutes sleep between contractions.
I got up an hour later and they started to speed up again but wouldn’t get passed 1 every 4 minutes. I rang the hospital who told me to stay home if I could handle it, I knew I could but being so tired I just wanted someone to help. I said I would stay home and watch Eastenders and then review it. Does anyone remember Thursdays episode of Easties? It was the one were Ian had stolen Marie’s birth video to show Lucy, so I stood leaning against the wall in pain listening to someone having a baby haha. I think that made me crack as I turned to Tom and said that’s it I don’t care what they say I am going in and off we set with plenty of well wishes from the neighbours (I wonder if they could hear me haha)
So we arrived at the hospital and were introduced to a MW that had helped with SILs birth two weeks prior. Rachael and Ross hadn’t liked her and said she was horrible but I could not disagree more. Her name was Mary and she was a realist who tells you everything that may or may not happen, which is probably why they didn’t like her.
After being warned that I there was a chance I might be sent home if I wasn’t dilating I was pleased to hear that I was 3 cm woohoo so I was allowed to get settled in. I then spent a few hours leaning against the wall and window sill, being the lovely wife that I am I even let Tom get some shut eye on the bed trying to keep the noise down during contractions haha
By 2 am I was getting tired but had made it to 7/8 cm and was feeling proud of myself but the baby shifted position and I started to get the contractions in my thighs really badly, it was painful to stand any longer but a nice break for my back. I was given some diamorphine to help me get some sleep.
I spent from 5am through to after lunch trying to stay mobile to keep things going, not easily done with burning legs, I had a play on the birthing ball and Michelle (the new midwife) was lovely and got hot water and towels to try and ease it.
By 2pm I was still 7/8 cm and I remember a couple of people talking about action line as during contractions by heart rate went really high and baby went low. I just remember thinking ooh action line that must be like threshold criteria in work and zoned out thinking about Care Proceedings heh
It was agreed that they were going to send me down to the delivery unit to give me a drip to help get things moving again and so that they could keep a closer eye on me and baby. At this stage I remember crying as my legs were so sore and I was tired so they decided that as there was going to be a wait between me moving and the drip getting going they would give me another shot of diamorphine to let me get some sleep so I could have the energy to push. I remember asking for this a lot once they said I could have it and telling Michelle that I normally hate needles but I was sooo happy to see her with that one!
This was the only time I cried and I couldn’t stop apologising for crying and shouting through my contractions! Tom was lovely and made sure I had everything I needed and reassured me that I was actually being quite quiet and promised me I wasn’t like that shouting girl from One Born Every Minute.
I got shipped off and Tom was told it was going to be several hours before things got started so he decided to go home and grab a bit of sleep, being the man giant that he is the small chair he had been in all night hadn’t done him any good.
I was still sleepy from the needle but waking for contractions and seeing a midwife called Jane sitting next to my bed making notes of the readings from the machine. I remember telling her that this must be a really boring part for her watching me sleep and then promptly went back to sleep.
I woke up a little later with a real urge to push, Jane didn’t think it would be time yet and I remember babbling on about possibly needing a poo as I heard stories about getting the two confused. As she was getting ready to check me out I just remember repeating that I needed to go to the toilet haha being checked I had gone to 9 ½ cm so Jane ran off to call Tom to get him back to hospital, he had only been home for 30 minutes – if I had known it would kick things off I would have sent him home hours earlier!
I then tried my best not to want to push as I wanted Tom to be there, thankfully the hospital isn’t too far away so he was back quick sticks :)
So onto the pushing part – this was bizarre. I was still getting the contractions through my legs and after each contraction I had terrible cramp in my right thigh. I loooove my midwife though as she realised I appeared to be in more pain after the contraction so she would lift my leg for me and give it a good rub whilst waiting for the next contraction. I also love gas and air even though I kept getting giggles as I kept making duck noises with it!
With our heartbeats doing funny things still a doctor was called in to examine us as after an hour pushing not much seemed to be happening. A lovely doctor came in and I can not remember her name. She had a look and a prod and announced that two more pushes and the baby would be born, this was a fab relief as not much would happen so cue me pushing as hard as I could.
I remember telling them I was tearing as I could feel it, Jane said I wasn’t – liar!
At 5.37pm with one massive push Olivia was born! She weighed in at 7lb 6oz. I have never felt so proud and in love ever. It was fantastic. After a cuddle she was whisked away to be cleaned up and weighed and checked.
Jane then started to sorted out my tear and had to go and get a doctor as she said it was a deep tear and thought it might be 3rd degree but she couldn’t tell so off she goes to get a doctor. In strolls a doctor who gives me a big smile, prods my undercarriage, announces that “sphincter is good” grins at me and walks out. This gave me the giggles, in fact it did for a week after birth. So I was sewn up which again was bizarre as it didn’t hurt but I could feel it.
So all cleaned up and sorted out Olivia was given back to me and she latched on and fed like a pro.
We had to spend 4 days in hospital as she has inherited my broken eyes but the hospital were great and added me onto the Monday morning clinic so she could be seen straight away and get a referral to the children’s hospital within a few weeks rather than months.
We spent Monday morning sat on the neonatal ward. My baby who I thought was so small looked huuuge next to those teeny babies. After being checked out the doctor said that she did have cataracts and although they were central in her eyes they didn’t appear to be very dense so things might not be too bad :) We are off for a trip to the hospital on 1st April for more tests and plan the way forward.
I can not believe that that was two weeks ago now. We have had a fair amount of trouble with breast feeding. After the initial good feed she decided that she was going to be lazy and although she has a great latch she wouldn’t suck. We are working at it and she is much better but it is still a bit of a task.
The time has flown by and I am loving being a mum, it is wonderful!
Nichola you’re next and I am sooo excited :) Then roll on Summer 2011 and the picnic in the field hehe
Oh lady, you've made me laugh so many times reading this, I can so imagine you doing so many of the things you've written. It also made me cry a bit as yes, scarily I'm next! I hope I can be as positive as you.
I can't wait to see you again and give that Olivia a few gentle cuddles.
Well done Gem!
It made me cry as well. You're amazing. I BOW at your feet for going through that and getting to the end au naturel. It's a funny experience isn't it! I think you have to laugh coz it's just crazy!
Amazing, you had the right approach just go with the flow and see what happens. I'm a bit jealous as well now as I'll never get to have a natural birth (well I could but I'd keep Tena in business if i did!) so you're even more of a legend!
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